
We help you find the right talent for your company’s job openings.

We save you time and money by weeding through countless applications, presenting only the most qualified candidates.

For every job order, we:
*Learn about your organization and goals of the position
*Create unique job descriptions based on the job requirements
*Work behind the scenes to attract the right people
*Review resumes and speak with promising candidates
*Provide an introductory email with candidate’s resume and qualifications
*Schedule interviews between company and potential employee
*Guide everyone through the process
*Celebrate when a match is made!

Whether you are hiring an Operations Coordinator in Los Angeles, a VP of Sales in Chicago, or anything in between, the Pintos can help!

Working with us is like working with friends. Your company will be represented as if it were our very own. We work and live by our values: professionalism, ethics and commitment. Read our client testimonials!

We would love to help you with job placements.  Please call or email us to learn how!